Saturday, September 21, 2013

The miracle of wet/dry vacuums

What rain through yonder roof plywood drips? It is from the west, and it is not the sun. Arise, fair sun, and get rid of this surprising summer storm. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Trying to be a pane

In the interest of transparency, we must say that Hank and Kyro will not actually install these windows.

Reuniting with our construction DNA

At last weekend's family reunion, not only did we meet up with many Boyer relatives whom we had not seen in a very long time, we also were reminded just how long construction has been in our lives. We came across photos of the house construction my parents completed right as I was beginning grade school. At the time, my mom managed a brick, block, and stone company and previously managed a lumberyard. And my dad? He worked for the defense department, and had never built a house before. They found house plans in the House Beautiful magazine that they loved, purchased the plans, and made some modifications to make it their own. With a lot of teamwork and the help of friends in the trades, they built a beautiful home that we will always remember.

The view from the backyard. The kitchen is in the lower right, master bedroom above, and living room in the background. A deck was included off the upstairs bedroom when the project was finished.

The early version of the family room/kitchen. Later, the cabinets were darkened and they added a 10'4" farm table for the room, plus an antique wall clock and rocker next to the fireplace that was used often in the fall and winter.

Where the project began, House Beautiful magazine.

The family room/kitchen from House Beautiful