A power eraser! (insert tool appreciation noises) |
If you search the internet for "hiring friends," you will receive tons of advice on how to set boundaries and limit risk. We are blessed with an amazing set of friends in the trades who are helping us as cabinetmakers, painters, drywallers, and more. We love these friendships and are happy to report that the experience of hiring them has been incredible and rewarding, contrary to what the interwebs will tell you.
Today, for example -- we were watching football and doing laundry when we received a call from our friend who is building our cabinets. He had a preliminary drawing for us to look at, so we happily postponed laundry and ran over to see his design. The layout looks amazing and we look forward to the next step! We could not do this big project without these great friendships and we will be forever indebted to them for their skills, kindness, and flexibility.