Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Lumbering along

Last night's conversation:

Bill: I'm going to get lumber in the morning. Want to go with me?
Annette: Will coffee be involved?

As we rolled up to Economy Lumber in Campbell this morning with Peet's in hand, I reached for my phone's camera and promised to not embarrass Bill by taking too many photos for this blog. I hope that I succeeded in that goal, but since I was the only woman in the shop or -very- large yard and the only person taking photos... Some of these photos are taken while seated in the truck so that I wouldn't cause a hazard or become unwelcome in the yard again. {:-o

In the front shop, I exclaimed in a squeaky girl voice, "These screws are blue!" Bill laughed, and reminded me that we have some like that at home. Such a pretty color. And the beautiful red saw blades with cool grooves cut into them. Mr. Construction tells me that those grooves dissipate heat, which is very important with a spinning blade as it cuts through wood.

The giant saws out in the yard that cut pieces to length are amazing in that some look like antiques or castaways, but are actively used daily. Good tools last a very long time.

It's a good thing that I find construction so incredibly interesting, eh?

Post-Christmas shopping, but not at the mall

Why don't we have this on our bike tires?

Joist hangers
Just a carpenter having fun

Groovy saw blades
Blue's screws

This saw looks like it might be able to fly...

Objects in mirror are safer if the passenger remains in the vehicle.
Just part of the yard

Seven new friends

Their workstation

The outdoor area is a dance of workers walking, forklifts scooting, and trucks of all sizes moving here and there.

Now, where would a lumberyard find 20-foot boards to make these doors?


  1. This is so cool Annette! Interesting to see a woman's perspective on a lumber yard. I work at one :) Danielle
